Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Dog -- Who Are You?

I know you've all met this first Lena, but I don't think you've met the second one below. That Lena is a.k.a Cujo. I know it's hard to believe this sweet and innocent face can give off such a vicious look, but she does. I call it the only child syndrome.


The only time she reacts this way is when I'm involved in conversation with somebody or not paying attention to her, she'll either bark continuously or go pick up a stick (which I normally try to keep away from her because I know what happens when she starts to possess on a stick, but as I said when I'm in conversation I'm not paying attention to her -- god forbid). So anyway she'll find a stick, lay down and you can't go near her. If you try she starts to give you the lip, which to me means stay the hell away from me and my stick. The only way I can snap her out of it is to just simply walk away and let her forget about it. I've tried just about everything else and nothing seems to work. Does your dog have possession issues? Does your dog get jealous when you're not paying attention to them? And if so how do you handle these issues?


BeadedTail said...

Wow! Are you sure that's the same dog? I've never seen that happen before but she sure gets jealous of something else taking your attention away from her. When I'm on the phone with my boss, that's when Sadie decides she wants to go outside so I have to go let her out but thankfully she doesn't turn into Cujo!

ScoopYourDawgsPoop said...

My little dog just won't leave you alone with her stupid little ttoys but this dog sounds like a character! I've never heard of a dog do that B4.

Afghan Hound Cameo

Afghan Hound Cameo
Afghan Hound etched into clay and set in brass setting

Greyhound in Profile Etched Pendant

Greyhound in Profile Etched Pendant
Greyhound in Profile Etched Pendant


Etched in Pink


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